FORT GREENE is now open: 143 Waverly Ave, Brooklyn

No need to reserve tickets
weekdays or weekends.
 We have made flexibility a priority,
drop in for open play any time
between 8am-7pm, 365/year

Weekdays are different from
weekends and public holidays.
If you are looking for a quieter time to visit please come and join us during the week. 

No need to reserve tickets weekdays or weekends.
 We have made flexibility a priority,
drop in for open play any time between 8am-7pm, 365/year.

Weekdays are different from weekends and public holidays.If you are looking for a quieter time to visit please come and join us during the week.

1. Waiver and Payment info

To expedite check-in, please click here to sign waiver and save payment details prior to your arrival.

You will only need to do this once, you will not need to re-enter your information again.

2. Check in

Single Pass (incl. 1 child & 1 adult)
$35 / first 2 hours
$15 / each additional hour

Additional Adult
$5 / first 2 hours
$2 / each additional hour

3. Sign out 

Please always remember to sign out with the Space team prior to leaving.

You will not be able to checkout unless all people are present, think of it like a resturant reservation.

Faliure to checkout will result in a charge equal to a full day of play per child.