FORT GREENE is now open: 143 Waverly Ave, Brooklyn

No need to reserve tickets weekdays or weekends.
 We have made flexibility a priority so we encourage you to drop in any time between 8am-7pm, 365/year

To expedite check-in, please click here to sign waiver and save payment details prior to your arrival.
Once you have done this once you will not need to re-enter your information

No need to reserve tickets weekdays or weekends.
 We have made flexibility a priority so we encourage you to drop in any time between 8am-7pm, 365/year

To expedite check-in, please click here to sign waiver and save payment details prior to your arrival.
Once you have done this once you will not need to re-enter your information

Single Pass

$35 / first 2 hours

$15 / each additional hour

Price includes 1 child and 1 adult

Additional Adult

$5 / first 2 hours

$2 / each additional hour

Price includes 1 child and 1 adult