No need to reserve tickets
weekdays or weekends.
We have made flexibility a priority,
drop in for open play any time
between 8am-7pm, 365/year
No need to reserve tickets weekdays or weekends.
We have made flexibility a priority,
drop in for open play any time between 8am-7pm, 365/year.
2. Check in
Single Pass (incl. 1 child & 1 adult)
Single Pass (incl. 1 child & 1 adult)
$35 / first 2 hours
$15 / each additional hour
Additional Adult
$5 / first 2 hours
$2 / each additional hour
3. Sign out
Please always remember to sign out with the Space team prior to leaving. Faliure to do so will result in a charge equal to a full day of play per child.