FORT GREENE is now open: 143 Waverly Ave, Brooklyn
SummerCamps-05.jpg__PID:e05d559b-6f9f-4c0b-a8de-d063a78e7d49Summer Camp

$699 / week

$349 / week (members)

Important Info

  • Age
    Children born in 2020 or earlier can attend our summer program. Your child must be entering Kindergarten - 6th grade to be eligible. 
  • 8:30am - 5:30pm
    drop off later or pick up sooner if you wish
  • Snacks
    Snacks will be provided twice per day, morning and afternoon. They will include smoothies and bites from our cafe. Please note: Lunch will need to be brought from home.
  • Daily schedule
    A robust daily schedule combining open play, art, yoga, puzzles, craft, outdoor water play as well as reading and rest will be strictly followed.
  • The team
    The ratio will be 1 councellor for every 10 kids. 
  • Meet the councellors
    We wil have an event on the afternoon of June 27th to give families the opportunity to meet the team and get acclimated to the space.
  • Space shuttle days
    Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays are home base Days.
    Tuesdays and Thursdays are Space Shuttle days. Tuesdays we blast off to Dumbo for the day and Thursdays we adventure to Greenpoint!
  • Contact / more info
    If you would like to know more about our Summer Camp please email